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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
1649Collection of Documents
  • Document, Financial, Receipt
  • Businesses, Maritime Business
Collection of five documents, largely connected with the Clark family of Southwest Harbor. Copy of a charter document, dated 1864, between Nathan Clark and William Underwood, to charter the Schooner Loochoo. Letter from Railway Express Agency, August 16, 1946, to R.P. Clark thanking him for his long service. Letter from Maine Central Railroad, January 29, 1911, to R.P. Clark discussing the terms of his employment as express agent. Telegraph Blank (jokingly?) written for Grace Carroll from the Associated Press, August 6, 1903, warning her of hostile warships in Somes Sound. Receipt for goods purchased by Nathan Clark of Eaton & Lane, Boston, August 15, 1865. Goods include: flour, sugar, rum, good whiskey, butter, ticking, matches [show more]
1633W.S. Brown Account Book
  • Document, Financial, Bookkeeping Record, Account Book, Ledger
  • Businesses, Maritime Business
  • Vessels, Ship, Sailing Ship, Schooner
  • Brown - W.S.
  • 1890 c.
Account book kept by W.S. Brown, master of the schooner J.S. Butler, and other vessels. Includes references to cargoes carried, ports visited, and men employed on the schooner. Also includes records of expenditures, mostly for food, but some references to items like knives. Brown may be William Sheldon Brown but additional research is needed. The book may have been used at an earlier time, as several pages have be ripped out, and Brown's name is found in pencil with the date of 1880 near the beginning [show more]